Allez Samba Rio

Allez Samba RIO


Olodum - One of the most important Afro-Brazilian group in Salvador Bahia

The Olodum group exists since 1979, but became known worldwide as the King of Pop Michael Jackson has chosen them to appear in his clip “They don’t care about us” in the historic center of Salvador “Pelourinho”. Allez Samba Rio offers you an amazing opportunity in Salvador: learn a little bit of percussion and Afro-Brazilian dance with Olodum! Find out more about this originally samba-reggae group named Olodum.


The samba-reggae is a fusion of “samba de roda ”, reggae and funk. Olodum is one of the creators of this rhythm.

Official clip from Michael Jackson with Olodum in Pelourinho.

Olodum is not only music and dance, it is also a socio-cultural movement. They have a non-profit institution where they teach percussion, Afro-Brazilian dance and singing. Moreover they also teach computer classes to underprivileged children. Some may eventually join the Olodum group or becoming professional singers or percussionists. In addition, Olodum also organizes conferences on racial discrimination, to improve the self-esteem of Brazilian Afro-descendants.

olodum 9

Axé (Peace)!

Allez Samba Rio

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